I was cleaning the kitchen while Andrew was playing in the front room. It was pretty quiet for a while so I went to check on him.... I don't know why but he is obsessed with lamp shades. He was doing everything he could to get to it. He is a clever little boy! Good thing I caught him in time or he could have gotten really hurt. He was to the point where he could barely touch the lamp shade and make it swing back and forth. He is getting too smart for me.

Here is my little Roo boy at 10 months old. He LOVES to feed himself! If I give him a spoon to play with while I feed him he will never take his spoon out of his mouth so that I can get mine in with actual food on it. He is in this fake laughing kick. When he wants attention, he just laughs this made up laugh and it makes me laugh every time. He's got me wrapped around his little finger.
He is getting way too big way too fast! What an adorable little boy. I really want to see that fake laugh going on.
He sounds like my Ava. She was a climber! She could get onto my countertops before she could walk!
Oh my gosh!!!What a stinkin cutie!! We are really wishing you guys lived closer so we could see that little guy more! He is so much fun.
Hey when was he born?? Kamryn was born on April 23
Angie- You have the cutest little boy ever...He is getting so big! Looks like you've got your hands full with him.
He is so cute! What a smart little guy! I'm glad he didn't fall, that could've been a bad one! Hope all is going well with you!
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