Friday, December 11, 2009

If you live in Logan read at your own risk....

I hope Relief Society attendance doesn't go down for posting this, ;) but I am a BYU fan all the way. Utah State then comes second. I do love the Aggies (especially because that is what my 2 year old niece calls me.... Auntie Aggie) but this was a couple Saturdays ago when BYU played Utah. It all started when Gilbert and I were dating and we watched the BYU/ Utah game. He is all red and I am all blue. During the game this year we happened to be down at my parents house visiting for Thanksgiving. Both of my sisters were there and Lori was painting things on her kids faces to show their team spirit. Lots of her husbands family has played for BYU so obviously they would have lots of team spirit. Anyway I thought it would be fun to show a little of my own team spirit just for Gilbert. ;) It was even better when they won. Gilbert really enjoyed the big kiss I gave him at the end of the game. Now that we have moved to Logan we now have a team we can be fans of together. Go Aggies! (I will always be a BYU fan first though.) :) I love you Gilbert!


Katie L. said...

Mat graduated from byu and utah state...but we love the Y!! Ha! I love the face paint!

Lolo said...

I think I like you more after reading this:) I graduated from BYU and I will always be loyal...