Monday, December 7, 2009

Andrew's latest obsession

He doesn't ever color with them he just loves to take them out of the box throw them on the floor from the barstool get down pick them up put them back into the box and then repeat. He does this for hours and hours. If I try to get him down before he is finished he gets really mad. I never thought my best babysitter would be a box of crayons. I bet you can't guess what Santa's bringing him this year.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

LOL! I loved the way you described Andrew with the crayons in this post. I wish a box of crayons could babysit Bracken! But they can't, or he would have every door and wall in my house scribbled on! (oh wait, they already are!) hehe

p.s. As far as the challenge goes... bring it on! :) I would love to see a blog post from you every day, too. We will have to discuss the details of this little deal. :)