Gilbert was able to come home and see us last Saturday, and he wanted to do something fun with us. After attempting to go to the water park here in Logan and being turned away because we didn't have enough $ to get the extra diaper thing for Andrew we decided to go to the river. The water was FREEZING, but Andrew didn't seem to mind. He stayed in there for about an hour just throwing rocks. He loved it! Gilbert and I would throw rocks in and see who could get the other one more wet. We had a lot of fun, but it got cold fast for us. Then Gilbert decided to take Andrew wading across the river. He kept wanting to stop to pick up rocks to throw......

finally we decided to let him....

I started getting into it with him.

Andrew loves to get chased by his dad. He always looks like he is about to trip when he tries to run really fast.

Then Gilbert wanted to have a BBQ and cook us some hamburgers. Andrew is patiently waiting for his dinner to get done.

We love having our Daddy home. We can't wait until school starts so he will get to stay home. We love you Daddy and all the good times we have!
Super cute pictures! What a fun day at the river. I am so glad you got to spend some quality time with Gilbert. You guys are the cutest little family. I had to laugh about you guys throwing rocks to see who could get each other the most wet. Hmm,reminds me of another little recent incident...Aaron was pretty soaked huh! I think I won that contest. :)Bracky always looks like he is going to trip when he runs, too.
Wow! Andrew is getting so big!! Let me know if you need anything! It was great to meet your mom on Sunday. She is a great lady (and I'm so thankful that she was willing to participate in Sunday School!) Tell her thanks for me!
I got a little chill thinking of how cold that water is. It's funny how kids don't mind at all. Love it.
Looks like fun!
You guys are so much fun! I love it that you went the cheap route, I swear sometimes it's just more fun!
I love you so much!
Andrew is the cutest boy ever.
He looks like Eric to me! (and of course a mix of you and Gilbert).
I'm happy for you to have Gilbert home again, that would be so hard.
Love you.
Hope everything's great for you
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