Thursday, August 13, 2009

Being a Family is too much fun!

I have been trying to teach Andrew how to kiss with a closed mouth, but I haven't had any success yet. He doesn't know how to pucker yet.


Betsy Lee said...

haha Garrett does the same thing! I think he's starting to get the closed mouth thing, but not really, and he's 2 yrs old! :) It's cute.

Shannon said...

He really is so cute!!!

Katie L. said...

You better get that fixed before high school! ;)

Melissa O said...


Rachel said...

That is so funny...Noah does the same thing. He gives Halle the biggest open mouth kisses on her head and belly! They are so fun.
I wonder if we'll ever get to hang out together with our (little boys.) Who knows what the future will hold...Hope things are going well. You are such a Beautiful mommy.

Nat said...

Love the wet baby kisses! He's a doll!