We went to my parents house for new years, like we have every year, and we were so happy they finally got a lot of snow. The roads were clear when we got there on Tuesday, and then it snowed for three days straight and we had plenty to play in. :)

Andrew loves to eat the snow. He would make a snowball and then eat it instead of throw it.

Sledding down the road is one of my favorite things in life. I have so many memories of it and I hope to be able to share that with my kids their whole lives.

Happy New Year everyone!

We ended up staying with Lori and Bing for almost a week and Taio and Andrew became best little buddies. Taio followed Andrew around everywhere whether Andrew wanted him to or not. The first day we were there Taio kept beating up Andrew. Every five minutes I would hear Andrew crying again because Taio hit him with a pool table ball or something and I kept telling Andrew to be tough. A few days later Andrew and Taio were playing downstairs together and we heard Taio crying. Gilbert ran down to check on them and he found Taio laying on the floor by the bean bag and Andrew in front of him saying "be tough Taio, be tough!" Then Andrew told Gilbert they were jumping from one bean bag to the other and Taio missed the bag and fell on the floor. So Andrew was telling him to be tough. We were laughing so hard. He copies everything we do even when we don't know it.

They had so much fun watching Dispicable Me, which Andrew calls "Pickle Me."

Every year we enjoy going swimming at Papa's. This time we put the arm floaties on Andrew and he loved that he could swim all by himself. He did so good with the little floaties. The three boys had fun having races across the pool.

Logan, Spencer, Gilbert, and Andrew

Christmas morning I read the christmas story from Luke 2 before we opened any gifts. It was such a fun morning being with Mom and Dad Rowley, Jake and all of his kids.

We had a hot seat to open presents in and Andrew caught on pretty quick and tried to sit in it after every other person.

He had a lot of fun opening presents this year. I had so much fun watching his excitement and remembering back to when I was little.

Andrew got this train set from Grandma and Grandpa Rowley. I think it topped his favorite of all the gifts. He loves to put his cars on it and drive them around and around.

Every Christmas Grandma's dogs have puppies. Andrew loves holding them on his lap.

Before we left St. George we were able to go see Grandma Lundin, and visit with her for a little while.

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope that we can all make this year a little better than last year by making ourselves a little better. I am so excited for this year and all the goals we just set as a family. We have been so incredibly blessed!
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